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COVID 19 is a public health emergency and it is in everyone’s best interest to help manage the risks and protect each other.

Coronavirus Health and Safety Policy- Pole Intentions take the health, safety and wellbeing of all staff and customers seriously. We have updated our standards in line with the guidance from Public Health England and the UK government as well as industry standards in order to continue to protect and reduce the risk to our staff and customers from the Coronavirus (COVID 19).

This policy and standard communicates the requirements of all staff and customers as well as visitors to enable us to be and remain COVID secure.

Coronavirus Health and Safety Policy and Standard are applicable to all staff, customers and visitors. You must read them carefully and ensure you fully understand the requirements of you. If you are unsure of any of the requirements or have any questions, please email

Signs and Symptoms- COVID-19 The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. Generally, these infections can cause more severe symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, older people, and those with long-term conditions like diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease. These symptoms may develop in the 14 days after exposure to someone who has COVID-19 infection How Covid-19 is spread? Data from published epidemiology and virologic studies provide evidence that COVID-19 is primarily transmitted from symptomatic people to others who are in close contact (less than 2 meters) through respiratory droplets, by direct contact with infected persons, or by contact with contaminated objects and surfaces. Respiratory secretions produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes containing the virus are most likely to be the main means of transmission.

More information can be found at: Industry Standards

COVID 19 Health and Safety Standard Effective Date: 11th July 2020 Instructors, customers and visitors to Pole intentions must adhere to the following requirements.

Requirements of Instructors are to clean and Sanitise all poles before each individual use.

● Cleaning procedures have been introduced to help reduce the risk of transmission between asymptomatic persons. These are in addition to and supersede any previously agreed contractual cleaning requirements. Definitions Cleaning is the removal of soiling, whether visible of invisible, from a surface Sanitising is the reduction of bacteria and germs Disinfection is the removal of bacteria and germs You can sanitise a surface without necessarily cleaning it first, or indeed you can have one product or process which does both (e.g. your Dettol spray at home). But you cannot disinfect without thoroughly cleaning first, so not every all-in-one process will necessarily work. To ensure that germs are removed, you first need to have a thoroughly clean surface which means we must more regularly clean the studio If our surfaces are not clean, we cannot remove the virus with disinfection, we’d only

be able to reduce it with sanitisation. In summary, it’s important that we have a thorough deep clean to enable us to disinfect.

 ● Step up studio will be deep cleaned before reopening and any equipment used or owned by them will be there priority. The studio will be cleaned and disinfected from each day on.

● The poles are to be cleaned and disinfected after each use; this will be performed after the last person using it with no expectations. The students may be asked to perform this task.

● Pole Intentions will provide cleaning product’s but would appreciate if you bring your own, this is to help keep the costs low and also to stop cross infection.

● Step up studio will be responsible for all communal use areas, surfaces and/or equipment except poles, that may have been touched by someone in the studio these will be cleaned and disinfected by them.

● Fabric Pole Towels must be used for one class only and changed after each lesson finishes - a bag will be provided for soiled towels. Students who bring their own towels will be asked to wash these before their next class.

● The toilet must be wiped down with disinfectant wipes (provided by step up studio) after each use by the person using it. Ie: Seat, seat lid flush

● When entering and leaving the build staff and students must stay 2 metres apart or 1 meter with mitigations

● Students have been asked not to arrive more than 5 minutes prior to their class, new class times have been put in place to stop cross over with step up studio student and gathering in corridors.

● Try to avoid touching anything unnecessarily in the communal stairwell, if you need to pass anyone please allow them to move by you whilst you maintain your distance.

● Avoid touching your face

● Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds on arrival in the studio and dry them with disposable towels

● Hand Sanitiser will also be provided at the entrance to each studio

● Any student who appears to be sick (even if mildly) must not be admitted to class.

● If any student having attended the studio alerts the instructor that they have symptoms or Covid 19, the instructor must notify Kelly or Zoe immediately.

● Based on ventilation guidance, a maximum of 15 people may be in each studio at anyone time. However, to maintain social distancing class sizes will be limited to 8 per pole class.

● Everyone must sign in and out of the studio, providing contact details in line with Track and Trace requirements. This will be kept for a maximum of 21 days and securely disposed of after this time.

● When instructing / in the studio you must stay 2 meters apart from any other occupant or 1m with mitigations. Windows and doors should be always be open (with the exception of fire doors), In line with COVID ventilation requirements, no fans may be used. Music must be kept at a low level to avoid unnecessary shouting.

● To maintain social distancing, spotting students should not be encouraged allowing them to work at their own to work ability, strength, lines and combos

● When teaching a lesson where spotting may be needed it must be explained to the student first that you will be in close contact with them and they must agree to this , masks must be worn by both parties in classes where spotting is needed or if you intend to come closer than 2 meters from the student.

● You will only be spotted if the risk of safety is higher than the risk of Covid - If this is to save you from falling or injury.

● Please do not attempt tricks that are outside out your current ability your instructor will help you safely progress towards the moves you are working towards

● Please do not take offense if your instructor determines you are not ready to progress - this is for the health and safety of everyone in the class Sickness.

●Class participants should be directed to wash their hands-on arrival, make use of the facilities and make their way immediately to their pole lesson. All belongings should be kept with the customer

●A demonstrating will be provided for the instructor and they must only use this pole throughout the lesson to minimise cross infection.

● Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Don’t touch your eyes, nose, and mouth.

● Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

● Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

● Wear a mask if social distancing is not possible.

● Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

● If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

● Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

● You should only come to class if you are well and no one in your household is self-isolating.

● You will be asked to sign a new disclaimer confirming they understand the risks associated with indoor exercise due to COVID 19.

● Wherever possible, come ready in your exercise / dance wear and please don't bring items you don’t need with you to class

● Social distance at all times whilst on the property

● If you want an instructor to spot you and they agree to this, it will be explained to you that you will be in close contact with the instructor and the increased risks associated with this

●During COVID19 If you are unsure of any of the requirements or have any questions, please email

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